Peachtree Corners Begins First Phase of City-Wide Gateway Improvement Plan

The City of Peachtree Corners has commenced the first phase of its city-wide gateway improvement plan. This initiative is part of the city’s ongoing commitment to economic development, providing a sense of place, and enhancing the quality of life for its residents. The project involves improving several gateway locations around the city at various entry points.
These new entry features are intended to reinforce Peachtree Corners as an excellent place to live, work, and play. After obtaining a permit from the Georgia Department of Transportation to use their right of way, construction began on a northern gateway in the vacant triangle bounded by State Route 141 and Medlock Bridge Road.
The gateway will align with the aesthetic established by the Peachtree Parkway Pedestrian Bridge. The bridge’s design pays homage to the original trusses of Jones Bridge, which crossed the Chattahoochee River for nearly 100 years. The towers and lanterns on the bridge were intended to serve as a design aesthetic that would complement future gateway improvements.
The current construction at the northern gateway includes a stone-faced obelisk and surrounding stone wall, landscaping, and beautifications for the southbound 141 approach to the triangle, and a smaller, similar structure for the westbound Medlock Bridge approach. Initial construction involves grading and heavy earthwork to adjust the slopes and prepare the area for aesthetic improvements. Structural elements will then be installed as weather permits, and final landscaping will commence once appropriate weather conditions and planting timeframes are in place.
No road closures are planned during construction, as all work will occur in the existing GDOT median and right of way. The project is expected to be completed in early 2025.