Douglasville Police Provide Updates on September 2024 Cases

Douglasville Police Provide Updates on September 2024 Cases

The Douglasville Police Department has released updates on notable cases from September 2024, showcasing efforts from various divisions.

Patrol Division:
On September 30, Officer King investigated a missing juvenile case. The juvenile was located at her adult boyfriend’s residence, leading to the arrest of the adult for Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor, Enticing a Child for Indecent Purposes, and Interference with Custody. The case remains under further investigation.

Crime Reduction Unit (CRU):

  • Sgt. Manwaring conducted a traffic stop, resulting in the discovery of approximately 66.49 kilos (146.27 pounds) of methamphetamine hidden in false building material. The driver was arrested, and the investigation is ongoing.
  • Officer Goodfriend performed stops on both a Dodge TRX and a Ford Super Duty, uncovering altered VIN numbers in both cases. The vehicles were confirmed stolen, and investigations are continuing.
  • K-9 Officer Dukes and his K-9 partner, Lob, completed national certification with the National Narcotics Detector Dog Association (NNDDA) and the North America Police Work Dog Association (NAPWDA).

Detectives Division – Crimes Against Persons:
On August 30, individuals were arrested and charged with public indecency following an investigation into inappropriate behavior observed in a City parking deck stairwell.

Detectives Division – Crimes Against Property:
In July, multiple units at Metro Storage were burglarized. Investigators developed leads, identified a suspect vehicle, and collaborated with the Stockbridge Police Department, resulting in the recovery of numerous stolen items. Authorities remind residents to keep updated lists of valuable items with serial numbers and identifying details.