Preparing for the School Year: Atrium Health Levine Children’s Offers Back-to-School Tips

Preparing for the School Year: Atrium Health Levine Children’s Offers Back-to-School Tips
Photo by Gustavo Fring

As summer draws to a close, Atrium Health Levine Children’s Beverly Knight Olson Children’s Hospital advises parents to prepare their children for the transition back to school. Dr. Yameika Head, clinical practice director of pediatrics at Atrium Health Navicent, emphasizes the importance of preparing children and families for the school year to ensure a smooth transition.

Health Check

Parents should schedule a visit to the pediatrician to confirm that children are up-to-date with their vaccinations and well-visits. It is crucial for children to receive necessary vaccines to protect against illnesses that could disrupt their learning and health. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), recommended vaccinations include:

  • Ages 3 to 10: Chickenpox, DTaP, flu, MMR, polio, and COVID-19.
  • Ages 11 to 18: Flu, HPV, meningococcal conjugate, serogroup B meningococcal, DTaP, and COVID-19.

Additionally, a pediatrician can assess if your child might benefit from any therapies or learning accommodations.

Establishing a Routine

Adjusting to the school routine can be challenging. Begin by setting a consistent bedtime and wake-up time for your child, including on weekends, to help them get used to the new schedule. Atrium Health Levine Children’s recommends that children get 8 to 10 hours of sleep per night. Once school is in session, establish a homework routine, including a snack break and time to complete assignments before dinner to help your child unwind before bedtime.

Healthy Habits

A balanced diet contributes to better learning and overall health. Ensure that your child eats a nutritious breakfast and packs healthy lunches. Combine a balanced diet with regular physical activity to strengthen bones, manage weight, and reduce stress. Unstructured playtime also supports brain development and improves focus.

Emotional Support

Returning to school can cause anxiety for some children. Engage in conversations about their feelings and address any worries they may have. If concerns about mental health arise, consult your pediatrician early to prevent academic or behavioral issues.

For assistance with back-to-school preparations, visit Atrium Health Levine Children’s at and click “Find A Doctor” to locate a pediatrician.