Men’s Mental Health Meet-Up Provides Safe Space for Discussions in Macon Community

Men’s Mental Health Meet-Up Provides Safe Space for Discussions in Macon Community

Macon Mental Health Matters (MMHM) and Macon Violence Prevention (MVP) collaborated once again to host the third Men’s Mental Health Meet-Up at Churchills on Cherry, providing a safe space for men to discuss their mental health challenges.

Jeremy Grissom, MVP Coordinator, emphasized the importance of creating an environment where men feel comfortable expressing their feelings. “We as a society often overlook how a man is feeling or doing mentally because we expect them to ‘be a man’ and always be okay,” said Grissom. “We want men to know it’s okay to not be okay, and there is help.”

The meetups, held every fourth Tuesday of the month, aim to foster open discussions and offer support to men facing various issues. Attendees have the opportunity to share their experiences and receive assistance from others in similar situations. Additionally, these gatherings serve as a platform for introducing the free services provided by MMHM.

The recent meeting featured a presentation from Ocmulgee Mortgage focusing on financial health, highlighting the intersection between mental and financial well-being. The next meetup is scheduled for Tuesday, March 26, at the same location and time, continuing the initiative to prioritize men’s mental health within the community.

You can find more information on the MMHM website,