Georgia Bureau of Investigation to Review Brunswick Police Officer’s Encounter with Juvenile

Georgia Bureau of Investigation to Review Brunswick Police Officer’s Encounter with Juvenile

On Monday, December 23, 2024, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI) was contacted by the Special Agent in Charge of the Camden Field Office to review an incident involving a Brunswick Police Officer and a juvenile that occurred on September 7, 2024, on Parkwood Drive in Brunswick. The request for review was prompted after footage from the incident, not previously seen, was provided to the Brunswick Police Department on December 20, 2024. This new footage presents a different perspective and details not evident in the officer’s body-worn camera footage that was initially available.

This morning, a meeting took place with a GBI agent assigned to conduct the review. All relevant documents, reports, and the body-worn camera footage were turned over for examination.

The City of Brunswick has requested that an independent agency, in this case, the GBI, review the officer’s actions during the encounter to ensure that they were within the legal scope. Once the review is concluded, the results will be shared with all concerned parties. The investigation remains ongoing.