GBI Releases New Suspect Sketches in 2009 Douglasville Circle K Murder

On Tuesday, September 17, 2024, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI), the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office, and the Douglas County District Attorney revealed two sketches of the suspect and a replica of the shoes worn during the crime. The shoes are Reebok’s Talking Krazy shoes, which can be written on and personalized. With this new information, authorities are asking for the public’s assistance.

Maryanne Humphrey, a 62-year-old grandmother, was killed in 2009. On September 21, 2009, she was working at the Circle K on W. Stewart Mill Road in Douglasville, GA, when an unidentified individual attempted to rob the store. A struggle ensued between Maryanne and the suspect, resulting in her being shot twice. She died from her injuries. The suspect fled the store on foot.
Video footage from inside the Circle K shows the suspect, although the footage is grainy. Based on the video, a sketch of the individual was created by the GBI. The person was wearing a hoodie. Recently, GBI forensic artist Kelly Lawson produced an age-progression sketch of what the suspect might look like today. These sketches were made public for the first time on Tuesday.

The suspect is described as a white male, although there is uncertainty, and the individual could possibly be female. The person was approximately 5’4″ tall and was believed to be in their middle teens to early twenties at the time of the crime.
“For 15 years I have always wondered ‘why’ as years passed by and the case grew colder and colder. Why did that happen to my grandmother? What motivated the person to make that decision and take the life of someone so pure-hearted? With the new testing procedures and evidence that has been collected as of late, we are in higher hopes that we may receive the closure we’ve desperately wanted since the tragic incident we replay in our minds too often than wanted,” said Kailyn Kaiser, granddaughter of Maryanne Humphrey.