Macon Habitat for Humanity Dedicates Three New Homes in Napier Heights and Lynmore Estates

In late August, the Macon Area Habitat for Humanity celebrated the dedication of three new homes built with the help of volunteers. The homes, located on Duncan Avenue in Napier Heights, and Worsham and Irving Avenues in Lynmore Estates, were constructed for the Cooper, McCoy, and Beasley families.
During the ceremony, Macon Habitat and community members gathered with the new homeowners to dedicate the houses and express gratitude to the partners, donors, and volunteers involved in the project.
These homes were the final three built as part of a $1 million program funded by a $500,000 investment from Macon-Bibb County’s American Rescue Plan Act funds, matched by The Peyton Anderson Foundation. The program aims to construct eight homes on previously blighted properties that were demolished through the county’s Blight Fight initiative. Mortgage payments from the new homeowners will be used to build additional homes in the future.
“Each time we get to dedicate a new home with a family is an opportunity for us to also say thank you to everyone who helped make each families’ dreams come true,” said Ivey Hall, Executive Director of Macon Area Habitat for Humanity. “Each home is built with the love and investment of volunteers, donors, and partners who have recognized the need for safe and affordable housing in our community. We are excited to welcome three new families home and hand over the keys to an exciting next step in their lives.”