Auto Accident Involving Atlanta Fire Engine Leads to DUI Charges

On June 5, 2024, at approximately 2:32 AM, Atlanta Police officers responded to a reported auto accident on I-85 NB Expressway NE and Buford Highway. The incident involved a collision between a City of Atlanta Fire Engine and a white Mercedes.
Upon arrival, officers found Atlanta Fire Rescue (AFR) personnel already providing aid to the female driver of the Mercedes. Preliminary investigations indicate that the Mercedes, driven by Alisha Teresa Gillooly, crashed into the back of the stationary fire engine.
The occupants of the fire engine did not appear to sustain any injuries. Gillooly was transported to a hospital for further evaluation. She was later identified and charged with multiple offenses, including DUI Alcohol (less safe), driving with a suspended registration, reckless driving, violating the Move Over Law, and improper lane usage.