Mayor Recognizes CTAE Students for Career and Technical Education Month

Students from the Career and Technical Education (CTAE) programs celebrated a special recognition event at City Hall on Monday, February 26. Mayor Lester Miller honored these students by presenting each group with a proclamation in acknowledgment of Career and Technical Education Month, designated by the Association for Career and Technical Education.
CTAE, also known as Georgia’s Technical and Agricultural Education, plays a crucial role in improving academic performance and graduation rates. By offering meaningful experiences, CTAE enhances the quality of education for students, prepares them for careers and further education, and fosters leadership opportunities within their fields and communities.
The Macon-Bibb County School System’s CTAE programs consistently provide students with valuable work-based learning experiences, including apprenticeships, internships, and cooperative education programs. These opportunities equip students with practical skills and prepare them for success in their chosen career paths.