Newnan Minister Arrested for Possession of Child Porn

An employee of the Newnan Church of Christ, identified as 38-year-old James Morgan Gravley, was apprehended by authorities following a tip about child sexual abuse material. The Coweta County Sheriff’s Office acted upon receiving information from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, which pinpointed an IP address within their jurisdiction on March 6.

The Coweta County Sheriff’s Office disclosed that the IP address was linked to the download of child sexual abuse material. A thorough investigation was conducted, leading to the execution of a search warrant at Gravley’s Buttonbush Court residence on April 2 by the Coweta County Crime Suppression Unit.

On April 3, 2024, the Internet Crimes Against Children unit arrested Gravley. Following his arrest, jail authorities confirmed his release the next day after posting a $12,000 bond.

Gravley now faces the charge of felony child sexual exploitation. Law enforcement officials revealed that numerous electronic devices and additional evidence were seized during the execution of the search warrant, all of which will be subjected to further scrutiny as the investigation progresses.