Athens-Clarke County Police Conduct Vehicle Checkpoints to Promote Safe Driving

Athens-Clarke County Police Department (ACCPD) Traffic Unit conducted two vehicle checkpoints in Athens-Clarke County on March 19, 2024, with the aim of promoting safe driving practices. These checkpoints, which lasted from morning until early afternoon, received additional support from Uniform Patrol Officers and a Tactical Dispatch Team/Mobile Command Vehicle.
The checkpoints, which were solely managed by ACCPD, aimed to educate citizens on pedestrian laws, with pamphlets distributed to those passing through. Although the event was advertised on social media and covered by local media outlets, no media representatives attended the briefing or the checkpoints themselves.
The first checkpoint was stationed at Mitchell Bridge Rd @ River Ridge Drive from 8:45 am to 11:30 am. During this period, 1,136 vehicles were checked, resulting in various citations and warnings. These included 1 seatbelt citation, 5 registration citations, 2 registration warnings, 1 window tint violation citation, among others.
The second checkpoint was located at Danielsville Rd @ Smokey Rd and operated from 1:00 pm to 3:30 pm. A total of 662 vehicles were checked at this location. The outcomes included 2 arrests for driving while license suspended, 20 window tint violation citations, 3 child safety restraint violation citations, and several others.