U.S. Marshals Apprehend Fugitive in Dominican Republic After Decades-Long Evasion

The Dominican Republic’s National Drug Control Directorate, in collaboration with the U.S. Marshals Dominican Republic Foreign Field Office Fugitive Investigative Unit, apprehended a man who had evaded sentencing since 1989 in El Segundo, California.

Henry Perea Jr. pleaded guilty to felony rape and sexual battery in February 1989 in El Segundo before fleeing the United States.

After receiving a tip-off that Perea had applied for a passport and was residing in the Dominican Republic, authorities confirmed the active warrant and adopted the case. With the help of investigators, Perea was scheduled to collect his U.S. passport, where he confirmed his identity and admitted to his past charges.

Perea was deported back to the United States on January 26.

The U.S. Marshals collaborate with international law enforcement to apprehend fugitives abroad and seek foreign fugitives within the United States. Their efforts involve coordinated enforcement with both foreign and domestic agencies.

In fiscal year 2022, the Marshals closed 1,496 transnational fugitive investigations involving 125 countries and territories. They conducted 720 removals, including extraditions and deportations, through coordination with 52 foreign nations. Additionally, the Marshals provide assistance, expertise, and training to federal, state, local, and international agencies on fugitive matters.