Columbus Police Department Wins Silver Award for Innovation in Police Technology

The Columbus Police Department (CPD) was honored as a Silver Award winner at the inaugural CopTech Forum – Axon Agency of the Year for Innovation in Police Technology. The event, held in Denver, Colorado, last month, recognized law enforcement agencies that have leveraged advanced technology to enhance public safety and officer protection while maintaining transparency and fairness.
CPD was among three Silver Award recipients out of over 40 agencies represented, with the Pueblo Colorado Police Department taking the Gold Award. The recognition highlights CPD’s commitment to combating rising crime rates, reducing costs, and serving the Columbus community through technological advancements.
The department was also awarded a $1.5 million Public Safety and Violence Reduction Grant to improve its Video Integration Command System and Real Time Crime Center (RTCC). These upgrades include advanced technology such as license plate readers, gunshot detection systems, and video command tools, integrating assets from businesses, community members, and public safety agencies.
CPD’s innovations include hiring four civilian crime analysts and deploying drone pilots to provide real-time situational awareness. The department is also enhancing efficiency by implementing a new dispatch and records system to improve responses to 911 calls.